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Solitude - Reborn Lemure

"A people of great adversity and resilience, the Lemure see death and suffering every day, and still stand tall above it. The Lemure were once the people of Radiance and its many grand colonies, but come the Divines War, the Death of the Gods, and the Ruination, the Lemure ancestors and their lands were the first to fall to the calamities, as the Darkness of Xaraxas spread. Now their former homelands are mired in the corruptions of the Unseen Abyss.

Survivors fled to the isles of Lemuria, where they waited to die alongside the world around them. When the Lemure later returned with the Rebirth of Mankind, their people settled mainly near the coasts and isles of their former homelands in the Sea of Strife and the Crimson Sea. The Lemure are skilled sailors, having adapted their lives to one that relies on the often monstrous bounties of the Darkened Seas, and to always be wary of the corruptive influences at the edge of their horizons. The Lemure also boast a history as talented smiths and armourers, and even ancient, pre-Ruination equipment looted from their ancestral lands still retain sharp edges and shakeless resolve.

Most Lemure are found primarily on the island chains of Lemuria, Serpentos, Durumar, and the Myrese Isles, though their people have also rebuilt cities along coastally gifted places such as the Tempest Cliffs and ending Rhimorra, and in more recent times they've reclaimed lost cities in the Broken Lands. Lemure raiders are often found pillaging and scouring the coasts of northern Kejhi, as well as the coastlands of the Mystic West."