"According to near-forgotten legend, the first Draugyr were born from the corpse of a drowned giant who washed ashore in the early mist, and from this, it is known that every Draugyr has giantsblood and sea-salt within their veins. For a time, the ancient Draugyr were raised and watched over by the giants, until Austerity took hold of the giants, and their kind faded away in isolation within the vast, shattering mountains of the Nidarfrost.
The Draugyr descendants learned to fend for themselves in a land of barren cold and petrifying frost. Even after the Rebirth of Mankind, the Draugyr still willingly prefer the harsh, frozen, and bitter isles of the Mournfrosts, where their skilled builders and forgepriests have built enduring cities of stone and ice. As a people, the Draugyr value battle and trials, and openly seek out honourable fights for entertainment or self-fulfillment. Those with wanderlust might take to the seas, to explore and take the wealth of distant lands in the name of their ancestors and gods.
Most Draugyr, even those who wander, usually remain on the north-eastern island chains known as the Mournfrosts. Within these cold lands and waters they frequent storied places like Nidgardsheim, Drakaheim, Skorm, Asavind, Thanaheim, and the Harrowed Kingdom. Additionally, some Draugyr groups have settled in places like Salted Utlagar and the Branded Lands, where they more frequently mingle with other cultures."