"Once upon a time Eir was a coin whole, and upon its two sides were Ardan and Eyla. For untold ages, Eir was a realm of peace and song, as the spirits mingled with and empowered mortals and gods alike.
But all the while, in-between the two sides of Ardan and Eyla, within the hidden side of the silver coin of Eir, lay the forgotten, the abandoned, and the ignored. Here was the Veil, and all the nightmares it hid within itself. As it broke free from its confines, its great rupture split the world apart, and what was once one coin became two halves: Ardan, the godless Realm of Mankind, and Eyla, the endarkened Realm of the Fey
Eons later, and the two Realms forgot all about each other. Until one day a great storm was summoned, and with its great hold and power, it pulled the worlds back together, and saw Eir rejoined, together with all their sins and nightmares"
New more contained worldbuilding project of mine. The main goal is to create a world that isn't as massive and expansive as some of my other main worldbuilding projects, at least in terms of map-size. I'm also approaching this project a lot more casually.