"It all began with an Egg.
Upon chance, its shell cracked, and from inside came radiant, Dignant Light; whose warmth and light lit up the Cosmos.
But once all Light had left their Vessel, what remained in the Egg remained untouched by the Dignant, and its shells would harbour the remnants of the darkest Darkness; the Unseen Abyss.
Having once been scattered and chased away by the Dignant, this Darkness grew as it hid between the cracked shells, and soon it set out to consume once again all that had been lit up by the Dignant Light.
From their violent, cataclysmic clash sprung the chance creation of new Eggs, which cracked and gave existence to Untold Souls, who themselves would be shaped by the conflict of the Cosmos. Of these there were Nine that would become the Greater Aspects of all later things: the Cosmic Numen.
Of the Nine, Solitude was the loneliest, but she was also the brightest. Her Light was the envy of all Her siblings, and despite their distance, they loved Her and gave pieces of themselves for Her to keep and know them.
Only the Unseen Abyss, covetous of all Light, despised Solitude. To ensure Her demise, the Darkness devised the Aspects of Ten Omens to bring about Her inevitable doom. In their dreams, the Omens began to carefully and intently craft Solitude's turmoils, whether they desired to or not.
From these dreams were first born Divine Souls, who would visit Solitude and give aid to Her purposeless inhabitants. Dragons and Birds shaped Solitude's lands and oceans and taught the native creatures to survive in them, Great Spirits mended and kept Her Soul Vessel and granted magic to all races, and lastly also came the Divine Gods; who brought about the golden Decadent Age and crafted the tenets of civilization and Grand Order.
But Darkness' true intent would come, and from secret whispers and forgotten promises were born the Dark Gods. A great war sprung at their will, known as the Divines War.
As the Omens grew stronger from this strife, so too did the imbalance between themselves. It was throught this imbalance that Solitude would be torn apart, as Her Soul Vessel was pulled and gnawed at by the Omens.
All the while, the Dark Gods continued to stand triumphant in their battles, until eventually they defeated and killed the Divine Gods and their allies completely.
And soon, as the lands shattered and the fabrics of Her reality ripped, Solitude's Soul, her Egg and Vessel, broke, faded away, and died forever in Ruination.
Then only the Dark Gods remained, in a dead world of their making, set inbetween the vestiges and shells of a broken Egg."